Course curriculum

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    • Welcome Message From Kierra!

    • Welcome Walkthrough!

    • Step #1: Bookmark this membership resource suite!

    • Step #2: Connect with the Community!

    • Step #3: Save Our Call Dates & Link!


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    Mindset to Monetize Overview

    • Step #4: What are The Mindset to Monetize Pillars?

    • Step #5: Complete MC 1 - The Mindset to Monetize Self Assessment Lesson

    • Step #6: Masterclass & Resource Reference List (Summary of All Masterclasses)

    • Step #7: Submit a Suggestion Here!

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    1. Your Purpose Mindset

    • MC #PM1 - Permission to Operate in Your Purpose!

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    2. Your Expertise Mindset

    • MC #EM1 - Expanding Your Expertise Mindset and Trusting Your Expertise Is Enough

    • MC #EM2 - Shifting the Pressure Around Proving Yourself

    • MC #EM3 - High Value Expert Woman Energy!

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    3. Your Visibility Mindset

    • MC #VM1 - Hiding for Protection Anyone?

    • MC #VM2 - Taking Up Space

    • MC #VM3 - Shifting Your Mindset About Showing Up in Social Media

    • MC #VM4 - There is No Humility in Hiding!

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    4. Your Sales Mindset

    • MC #SM1 - Mindset Around Next Level Clients

    • MC #SM2 - Selling is Safe Sis!

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    5. Your Money Mindset

    • MC #MM1 - This Tool Called Money

    • MC #MM2 - The REAL Energy Beyond Making More Money (Seeing Your Business Beyond The Money)

    • MC #MM3 - Confidence to Charge!

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    6. Your Upleveling Mindset

    • MC #UM1 - Building Your Mindset for the Next Level

    • MC #UM2 - Not Waiting To ‘Fix Your Mindset’

    • MC #UM3 - Mind Shifts for a New Season

    • MC #UM4 - Embracing The Transformative Power of Self - Perception

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