Ready to call in & convert MORE of the pre-sold aligned clients you REALLY want now, not later?!

Give me 2 weeks to help you customize a refined & repeatable message that hones in on the main marketing messaging that sells more powerfully for you!

Join my 2 Week Sales Messaging Mastermind Intensive and get personalized sales messaging consulting to extract your next level purposeful and profitable messaging that strategically positions your offer’s value more powerfully, amplifies your authority, and consistently boosts your sales without sacrificing heart so you connect AND convert deeper too!

We're about to blow up your Sales Game Sis!

✨Your Sales Mindset AND Messaging!

✨Your Sales Clarity AND Confidence!

✨Your Sales Relationship AND Results!

❤️You're Welcome!

What you DON'T need is someone's old dusted off, outdated course, a big group where you get lost, or another script that feels sleazy & out of alignment with you!

What you DO need is for your messaging to be better pre-qualifying and pre-selling for you!

So you can spend less time + energy with misaligned, not a fit, not ideal clients who will never buy from you anyone, or just want to waste your time paying rates that you will later resent! You need to narrow down all the amazing things you're great at + talk about and teach on into your NEXT LEVEL MAIN MESSAGE!

So you have a solid marketable, impactful, and profitable message that allows you to talk about yourself in an authoritative way, while amplifying the value of your offer so you command more of the rates you really want, yet stills aligns with your most authentic voice so you stop feeling any overwhelm, imposter, or doubt when you show up to speak and sell!

Pricing Options

Simply select which level of the mentorship experience you'd best thrive with

Once you make your payment, you'll gain immediate access to the pre-work to prepare for our first working session.

  • $200.00

    General Group Experience

    Join Now
  • $500.00

    Group + 1:1 Messaging Session

    Join Now
  • $1,500.00

    VIP:Group + 1:1 + Done for You

    Join Now

Inside, I'll be guiding you through a fast track, implementation focused version of my Power Message Principles that has helped over 2000 women amplify their money making messaging with meaning too!

I've spent the last 13+ years building my Client Intimacy Messaging Method which helps you do one thing - get to know your most ideal client deeper than you ever have so you can speak to them beyond the surface and stand out to call in not ANY clients, but ALIGNED clients, over and over again.

And together, in this 2 weeks, I am going to personally guide each of you in our intimate group to craft your own customized Next Level Message Map that:


    Connect with your most authentic voice + deepest expression and see exactly how to merge that with the deeper desires of your aligned clients so you craft high impact, irresistible messaging that deeply connects with them more powerfully than you EVER have no matter how long you've been in business or how many clients and community members you've had! The power of crafting language creates an instant connection & literally speaks deeply creates a layer of trust that ignites that interest and desire to want to know more about you + what you have to offer!


    Command the true value of what you offer more powerfully as we extract THE MOST POWERFUL parts of your work so you see exactly what to highlight and how to present + position it in your marketing and sales copy, content, conversations, and presentations without overteaching for free or low prices. It amazes me the number of powerhouse, well established entrepreneurs I've worked with who NEVER infused what I teach here in their marketing messaging that eliminates objections effortlessly & closes sales quicker!


    Convert the clients and community members you really want in a way that feels truly empowering for them and gets them to sell themselves because your messaging has powerfully pre-qualified and already positioned the most valuable parts that they are happy to pay for instead of you having to prove yourself or convince them of the value! Together, these principles allow you to step into your power and confidently sell your offer for the bigger results you desire & deserve!

Messaging You Can Consistently Show Up to Sell From Your Heart With, Not Hesitation! 🔥🔥🔥

Because the truth is, when your clarity and confidence around your messaging + what you're selling is up & down, so are your clients & cash! Let's shift this!

With messaging that calls in the next level clients you crave.

With messaging that attracts aligned AF, quality, premium clients to say yes!

With messaging that gets them to sell themselves where they aren't just buying from you, but they are becoming apart of your tribe and WANT to be in your community, value your zone of genius, come ready to do the work, and you don't have to convince to show up or worry about their payment defaulting!

What's Included:

If you have a program, service, offer, or event you're wanting to sell more of within the next 30 days and you KNOW the message around it could be tighten, this is for you! Together, we'll amplify your marketing messaging, positioning & how you present it, and aligned client attraction to boost your sales!

  • BONUS Immediate access to My 7 Day Messaging Booster Course you can dive into immediately for improvements you can make to your sales messaging before we even start that's helped dozens of women package and position their programs & services and attract premium clients at 4 and 5 figures rates!

  • Sales Messaging Pre-Work Fast Track Framework Worksheet to help you begin to extract and organize key selling points about the offer you’re focused on selling, who it’ll most serve, and what makes it a priceless, must have now, no brainer regardless of the price! This will prep you for our working session together.

  • (2) Proven & Personalized Messaging Mentorship During Our (2) Live Messaging Mastermind Clarity Calls & Working Sessions on Tuesday, 6/18/24 and 6/25/24 at 10-12pm EST (Replays available plus you can still submit your pre-work and I'll work through your worksheet live on the call so you still get individual consulting when you watch the replay) - These are exclusive, actual working sessions where you leave each call with a deeper layer of personalized messaging mastery that will boost your confidence, client attraction, & conversion language for your ready to launch & sell offer! The limited spots of this program help keep the group calls intimate so you are guaranteed individual expert, sales messaging mentorship to consult you through the top, most essential messaging points for your focus offer and ideal client. You will get hands-on guidance to craft the perfect messaging for your offer and zone in on the top messaging points that create deep connections and attract pre-sold, aligned clients.

  • You will leave this program with a copy of your very own Customized Next Level Message Map that you’ll be able to literally copy and paste from! Throughout the program I will be helping you build this so it outlined everything we’ve worked on to infuse the top next level sales and marketing messaging customized for the focus you’re focused on selling! How much more powerfully, consistently, and confidently are you going to show up having your OWN customized map outlining your most valuable program, the core benefits + transformations so you can communicate them more powerfully to literally magnetize exactly who you feel called to serve in the way you want to serve them, having the MAIN selling points you need in your marketing nailed so it speaks directly to your audience’s needs, making them eager to say yes!

  • BONUS 10 Day Customized Content Planning Walkthrough - We’re all about implementation and fast action here! As a bonus, I'll guide you through leveraging your Next Level Messaging Map to identify 10 high-impact content topics that will support the visibility, marketing, and sales of your focused offer. This personalized walkthrough ensures you're ready to create powerful content that resonates with your audience and drives results so you see exactly how to apply everything we've worked on immediately!

  • PLUS, a bonus Facebook Group for some extra work session prep to also connect with other badass women ready to have their most aligned client attraction and launches with ease!

Pricing Options

Simply select which level of the mentorship experience you'd best thrive with

Once you make your payment, you'll gain immediate access to the pre-work to prepare for our first working session.

  • $200.00

    General Group Experience

    Join Now
  • $500.00

    Group + 1:1 Messaging Session

    Join Now
  • $1,500.00

    VIP:Group + 1:1 + Done for You

    Join Now

Want to Upgrade Your Experience?

There are 2 upgrade options, details are below.


  • -Everything Included In The General Group Experience Mentioned Above Plus:

    - (1) Sales Messaging Audit with a personalized assessment and comprehensive action plan delivered to your inbox with audio instructions
    highlighting sales & client attraction strengths within your current messaging and areas of immediate improvement that will jump start your consulting time in our live calls and put you ahead of the curve as you'll have tweaks you can make in advance AND

    - (1) Private 75 minute 1:1 Messaging Strategy Session where you and I work together one-on-one to develop deeper layers of your customized sales messaging strategy for not just the focus offer for the program, but we get to take a look at your overall long term brand message and I'll be sharing my screen so we can craft compelling messaging together on the call so you live with even more high impact messaging and content outlined and we'll outline your step-by-step plan to implement your refined messaging across all channels, ensuring consistency and impact.


  • - Everything Included In The General Group And The Upgrade Option 1 Experience Mentioned Above Plus:

    (1) 1:1 Private Coaching Chat Support through Voxer during the 2 weeks of the program for messaging, content, and sales support at your fingertips in real time

    (1) Done for You Messaging in a Box - I personally create a digital box outlining customized messaging of a couple of your key Visibility, Marketing, & Sales Assets & Activities which include a Customized Cheatsheet of Content Ideas, an outline of 2 Freebie / Lead Magnets, an outline of 3 Sales Funnel Emails, a Key Sales Messaging Copy Cheatsheet, and a your choice of an outline of a Signature Talk and/or a Signature Enrollment Event all delivered to your inbox specific to your ideal client, your framework and what you do, and your voice for you to literally copy, paste, and publish!


✨A desire to amplify what you’ve already been doing right now; you want things working better for you ... your elevated messaging WILL do that! 

✨Give yourself at least 2 hours each week - these are REAL consulting and working sessions! Oh you thought I was giving you some 15 minute surface level type of work where you leave still confused! No, when I serve I SERVE! 

Have at least one program you’ve sold & delivered before (this is a fast track group intensive, I don’t have time to help you build an offer from scratch. Grab a Shine Session for that at (copy and paste it). I’m INCREDIBLE at helping women take their current offer/business model and revamp it FAST AND ALIGNED and step into this next level 
POWER and embodiment to sell it! Even if you are currently doubting the program - I will help you step into deep clarity AND certainty with it! 

Have some type of audience - your social media, email list, FB group, subscribers; no matter how small or unengaged you feel like they are. We are going to put this out immediately! And I've had women talk about how much they weren't showing up and bam, the next level messaging literally bought the people who had been hiding in the background forward because finally, the messaging was speaking to the action takers, not the waiters!

Oh and you have to let go of this perfectionism trash that helps you wanting to make sure everything looks pretty and perfect! 

You will have to trust the aligned and inspired cash flow launch I’ve done handfuls of time that has gifted me the creation of $3k in a day up to $12k in 12 days or my clients and I $20-30k in 30 days!

See you inside!

2 Week Program Runs
Tues, June 18 - Tues, July 2nd

Live Call 1 are Tuesday, June 18 at 10-12pm EST

Live Call 2 are Tuesday, June 25 at 10-12pm EST

Replays are available plus you'll receive a timestamp of your consulting time

If you can't attend live, you'll be able to submit your worksheets and I will work through them live so you can watch during the recording.

You'll have bonus access inside our private Facebook group for clarification questions and further support.

Plus, I'm extra AF so I do a ton of bonus support throughout the 2 weeks.

Pricing Options

Simply select which level of the mentorship experience you'd best thrive with

Once you make your payment, you'll gain immediate access to the pre-work to prepare for our first working session.

  • $200.00

    General Group Experience

    Join Now
  • $500.00

    Group + 1:1 Messaging Session

    Join Now
  • $1,500.00

    VIP:Group + 1:1 + Done for You

    Join Now