If you know that you could be bringing in more income & creating more impact with the value you bring your clients & customers, this course is for you! 

Maybe you've been wanting to double your rates & have the confidence to actually stick to it. I'll show you how to map out your next level premium offer and business model in a way that positions your value to command the rates you REALLY want to be paid!

OR, perhaps you've created the offer but find yourself not selling it at the price point, consistency, or both you really want! I'll show you how to assess your current offer and know what to tweak & restructure so it speaks to the higher paying clients you really want to call in and attracts those who will value investing in it!

I believe in high ticket, premium offers because they changed my business & my life!

I remember feeling so proud of the powerful work I was doing with my clients yet overworked and exhausted! I knew deep down inside what I bought to the table was worth so much more!

I wanted to call in clients who valued my work even more, have the ability to take on less clients so I could enjoy more time with the people I loved and doing other things I was passionate about, and create bigger consistent profitable months in business!

When I started offering high ticket offers in my business, I was freaked out!

Who would pay THIS? Could I REALLY help them get results at THIS level? What would my friends & mom think if they knew I was charging THIS amount? Maybe I should wait until my brand looks better or get a few more clients at this lower price? What if it NEVER sells?

Then I remembered that I created this business for more freedom in my own life. I had replaced my corporate job for another job & I wasn't available for it any longer! It was time for me to create the bigger impact I wanted while experiencing more in life!

Within 3 weeks, I signed my first $11k client!

Little did I know, I'd spend the next 3 weeks creating my High Ticket Starter Kit process, embedded in this very course! Assessing what I had to offer & should be focused on selling, not because of anyone else's rules, but because it was energetically AND strategically aligned with my soul work, my gifts, & how I was meant to serve & impact in the world!

Within 3 weeks,  I signed my first $11k client! I went back through the process because I found some times I wanted to tweak and within 2 months, I had signed 3 more clients into this offer! I had tripled my revenue from $5k months to $15-25k months in a matter of 3 months ... 90 freaking days! AND, I got to celebrate my first $20k CASH week! Ok ok, it was actually about 30-something hours!

Most importantly, I've gotten to pour this into a blueprint other women just like you can customize with your business, industry, expertise, and services, programs, or products.

I've gotten to watch women take their signature offers to the next level - I'm talking 2-3X their launches, 2-10X their prices & still sign multiple paid in full clients for their group programs & masterminds, and increase their overall revenue by 200-900% in 4 weeks!

Even more, I've watched these women repeat the process over and over to keep growing like messages I get about $6k deposits in 24 hours, the joy of finally calling in soul-aligned clients, and business becomes fun again while celebrating their BIGGEST months ever in business from $9, 15, 30, and 40k!

The joy I get watching these women personally grow, shift through doubts on whether their level of expertise is enough, & stop lowballing themselves is priceless!

They've gotten to build this new layer of confidence in what they do (the REAL transformation & ROI they deliver without feeling like they are all over the place), who they serve (the next level, high quality, high caliber clients they are obsessed with), & how they were meant to serve (the absolute best offers that no one else in the industry could ever create because it's literally created from every amazing & unique part of you & your gift so of course you get to fully show up in the highest level of energy you need to call in the higher paying clients who come ready to invest without freaking question)!

And bigger results are just as possible for you when you implement the process for you & your business too!

Introducing: The High Ticket Starter Kit 

If you are ready for the mindset & strategy to simply, yet powerfully scale your signature program so you can call in more premium clients & bigger sales, The High Ticket Starter Kit is for you!

When I think about ALL the things I was doing to hit & surpass 6 figures, I realized although I was making sales & signing some amazing clients & some not so amazing clients, I still knew deep down inside it could be even simpler, practical but powerful strategies to help me scale! Instead of always creating a new program & a bunch of low ticket offers, what if I focused a $5-20k program and focused on signing 1 or even only 2 a month! Simple, easy peasy scale!

Now that I’ve grown from $5k to $15-40k months & watching my clients increase their revenue by $9-30k in 3-12 weeks, I went through the shifts & strategies exactly outlined in these modules & it worked!! 

If it's possible for us, it's just as possible for you! Our only limits are ourselves!

How would that change YOUR current situation?  


Keeping your specific signature offer in mind, I’m going to walk you through 3 actionable modules that will require you to pause, reflect, explore what comes up in the assignments, & step into aligned action to create your results! They will help you:

  • Module 1 - High Ticket Business Assessment: We’ll kick off by starting with what you already have. Even if you feel like you don't have a high ticket offer already. I’ll show you how to assess what’s already working in your business to easily see that you already have a high ticket ready offer in your business right now & get clarity on your core offer!

  • Module 2A - High Ticket Business Model: We’ll dive into the Six Figure Business Model Framework and I’ll show you how to customize this for you and your lifestyle! I love spending time on business models & providing ideas around what other offerings could compliment your signature offer & your framework to develop an outline of a more profitable & scalable business model to support you as you grow so you create other sources of income & levels of impact for your audience!

  • Module 2B - High Ticket Offer Framework: We’ll dive into your high ticket service & how to restructure & repackage (or create from scratch) your signature offer to truly design an offer that serves both you AND your clients on an entirely different level! Because after all, my clients & I aren’t focused on just making more money, we have built 6 & multiple 6 figure businesses that accommodate the lifestyle we desire to experience with the people we love, team we dream of, & all the other ventures and passion projects our hearts crave!

  • Module 3 - High Ticket Messaging + Content for Premium Client Attraction: We’ll dive into how to leverage your brand, marketing, & sales messaging to position your offers, amplify your value & visibility, & show up bolder & more powerful so you can stop blending in & being basic AF which is let’s just be real calling in basic a$$ clients = basic a$$ results! You’re weren’t born to be basic, you were born to boldly shine! I’ll show you how to use my Audience Intimacy Framework to take your messaging and content to the next level so you connect on a deeper level with the premium clients & customers you want to call in & tap into exactly how to present your offer so they know they need it AND talk themselves into investing in it!

Within the High Ticket Starter Kit, I’ve already gotten to watch women in 15-30 days go from selling services that were completely overworking them with less than ideal clients to signing $1000 hourly intensives, triple their investment in days, celebrate their biggest month ever in business in 2 years, & sign their first 5 figure client!

The investment for this experience to take your business & income goals to the next level now using your signature offer which is going to pay for itself over, and over, and over. How could this NOT be worth it for you right NOW?!

Your next level of impact, income, & the life you truly want to experience is going to require you to show up bolder!  

And that's exactly why I've built The High Ticket Starter Kit in the way that I have. 

I've experienced first hand, not just within myself, but I've watched dozens and dozens of women uplevel their mindset & energy around selling higher ticket offers, charging  premium prices, & confidently own their expertise, genius, & value! The next level clarity, packaging & positioning strategies, marketing & sales messaging, and content you allow yourself to create in this course will magnetize the next level clients  customers you crave because your energy and confidence will have them ready with credit card in hand!

Can you imagine what this experience is going to help you create, do, & experience?! My clients & I have seen the power of focusing on upleveling our signature offers & the type of results it brings in just in 30, 60, even 90 days! I know this course is going to guide you through your process to take what you’ve created to your own next level too!

The investment for this experience to take your business & income goals to the next level now using your signature offer which is going to pay for itself over, and over, and over only $1997 (instead of the normal $2997).

Can you imagine what this experience is going to help you create, do, & experience?! My clients & I have seen the power of focusing on upleveling our signature offers & the type of results it brings in just in 30, 60, even 90 days! I know the trainings with private mentorship from me is going to help you take what you’ve done to the next level.