Ready to establish the brand foundation of a profitable & impactful service based business and start consistently attracting their first batch of clients, monetizing their experience & expertise, & leveraging their gifts & genius to create more financial & lifestyle freedom in a meaningful way!



Sign My First Client Starter Kit 

The Blueprint designed to help you sign your first client and consistently continue to sign clients!


Whether you’re starting from scratch & know what you want to help your clients with, but need to start packaging your expertise OR you’ve worked with a few clients, but know you’re missing a few key brand elements to sign clients consistently, I want to help you! If you have NOT generated your first $10k in your business with the solid foundation to do it again & again with ease, this is for you!


Because up until now…

You’ve spent so much time watching the livestreams & webinars, reading all the blogs & how to posts, wondering about packaging & pricing, websites, funnels, & the marketing madness … trying to crack the code on making your first $10k - how to actually develop your signature offers & get the leads, clients, & money rolling in!

You can feel the epic impact, transformation, & results you KNOW you could make in people's lives & <insert your expertise> (for my clients it’s business, marketing, PR, health, finances, relationships, personal style & beauty consulting, career, mindset, product or brick & mortar businesses, etc.). But sometimes putting THAT into words in person, on paper, or on camera, let alone create an actual program you need to be able to sell feels impossible. 

So you continue giving it away for pennies, or free. Or, you avoid the dream all together, questioning whether you can make real money outside of your career yourself, if you have marketable skills people would actually want to pay for besides simply helping friends, giving yourself all the reasons you don't deserve it or why you're incapable of having it all, afraid you’ll fail. When the reality is, anything you put YOUR mind to, you achieve, no matter what! 

How much longer are you going to continue settling for mediocrity, waking up to this robot lifestyle, limiting your genius & gifts to fit someone else’s agenda instead of what you know you were really meant to be doing in this world!?


I remember starting my entrepreneurial journey. I was working full time in a corporate job where I felt like a robot! Everyday I’d wake up wishing the clock would rewind so I could go back to sleep.

All my life I’d been an overachiever, extremely passionate about everything I did & ready to win.

But not this time!

I’d been working my way through multiple roles with a Fortune 500 company managing large accounts (I’m talking $5 million of business) and representing mega brands we see everyday around the world. I had a company car, a corporate credit card, travel was paid for, & I even relocated 4 times in 6 years. I had a “promising” future with the company!

Yet I felt so limited in my corporate job. I felt like I didn’t belong. I didn’t feel like I was living the life I was meant to live or touching the people I was meant to impact the way I was truly meant to serve & support them. I knew I was great at what I was doing, but I didn’t feel like I was using my gifts the way I really should be.

I went from being a first generation college student raised by a single mother living check to check to the "perfect career" working for a Fortune 500 company traveling & managing 5-7 figure clients, personally responsible for $5 million dollars of business. To my family, I had “made it”, but inside I felt undervalued, unappreciated, overlooked, overworked, & LOST!

But, I am strong, ambitious, & resilient so I sucked it up & dealt with it for years - isn’t that what adults do… 

  • Say yes to things you want to say NO to!

  • Work with people you go home & trash on the phone with your girls or your partner!

  • Ask for vacation for that trip of a lifetime you've been saving for, hoping no one else has already requested the time off!

  • Work long nights, early mornings, weekends trying to prove yourself for a mere 2-3% annual raise the same people who come in late, take time off every other weekend, & talk crap about the management team at lunch gets too!

Until I realized I’d be sucking it up for decades to come! It felt like a 400 lb woman with 5 inch stilettos was stomping on my soul! I didn't have all the answers, resources, or support, but I knew that something huge within me was ready to burst & make a difference in this world & I was done playing it safe & small for comfort in a life I wasn't fully happy in.  

I had to empower myself to see that I was worthy of more. I had to change my belief that my corporate career was NOT the ONLY way I could be successful. 

I was no longer going to be a wanter, sitting back talking about all the things I wanted in life. I was going to be a taker who created what I wanted & took action towards! I had to shift my thinking to first make the DECISION that I wanted more, then take the necessary ACTION & make self investments for the guidance & support I knew in my heart I needed to make it happen.

After years of pouring my expertise & energy into helping others for free & building someone else’s legacy & pockets in my corporate career…

I packaged my expertise & skills into a personal brand & within the first 3 months, I had signed my first 2 clients in 30 days, reached my first $5k month in 60 days, & generated over $10k in 90 days!  

Within a year, I became an International Best Selling Author on Amazon, Keynote Speaker, & turned my expertise into a 6-figure international coaching & consulting practice celebrating $5k then 15-$50k months doing work I love with clients I adore supporting & designing a lifestyle I’m obsessed with!  

And it was there, The Sign My First Client Blueprint was born because I was tired of seeing women start & fail in their expert business everyday, getting sucked into the fake Instagrams & false promises of the online world of making $10k+ months in your sleep & $100k+ in cash in 5 seconds on the beach! YES, this is possible! Heck, I’ve made $20k cash in less than 48 hours while traveling & my clients have celebrated $10k hours, $20k weeks, & $30k months!  

Reality is, you will NOT make six figures if you haven’t mastered how to make your first $10k! And not just make it blindly, but create the foundation you need to be able to do it right the first time without wasting a ton of time, energy, & money, then do it again AND again! You know so you can actually take time to enjoy your success!! 

I've personally designed this program to help you clarify & niche down your expertise, establish your own personal brand, create the messaging to attract & engage your dream clients, understand how to leverage your expertise to create your framework & curriculum, AND develop your signature money making plan & business model including your signature program! 


  • Module 1: Clarity Your Niche + Expertise - I’ll show how to clarify your skills & see the most marketable pieces & confidently highlight your niche!

  • Module 2: Get to Know Your Ideal Clients + Customers - Dive into your audience on a deeper level - where they need help, why, & how they feel so you stand out in your industry & position yourself as an expert they want to invest in!

  • Module 3: Creating Your Client Services Framework/Blueprint - I’ll show you how to create & enhance your framework to maximum your impact & client results!

  • Module 4: Your Business Models (Programs, Packaging, & Pricing) - I’ll walk you through my profitable program development blueprint & show you exactly how to customize it for your own business model so it aligns with YOUR money goals + lifestyle!

  • Module 5: Your Signature Program - You see exactly how to create/enhance your own signature offer with your unique framework that helps build your credibility & delivers the transformation your clients need so they become raving fans!


Today, dozens of my clients have used The First $10K Blueprint built inside The Expert Incubator to package their expertise into offers they can sell on & offline without feeling like they’re “too new” or “not established enough yet”, build their confidence to grow their visibility & get known, & develop the magnetic brand, marketing, & sales messaging & strategies they needed to position themselves & their services to attract the right people which has allowed them to:

  • Celebrate making their first hundreds & thousands of dollars in business & book their first batch of $300, 500, $997, $1500, $3000, $4000, & $7000 sales in a matter of 30-90 days!

  • Sign 20 clients in their first 6 months!

  • Get clarity & confident in what they do & communicating it attracting PAID book deals & speaking/training gigs!

  • Create a profitable business model that allowed them to balance their working time in their business while also managing life!

  • Eliminate all the stuff they were doing that wasn't helping them grow their brands or bring in money & clients, just wasting time, building frustration, & draining their energy & faith!

  • Pay off thousands in student loan & credit card debt AND save for their first homes & investment properties!

  • Finally put in their 2 weeks notice & go full time in their business after 3 months because they invested in creating a foundation they could finally get on a path of freedom with to design a life they are obsessed with & fully enjoy the people, experiences, & things they love - instead of just talking about it in their dreams & journals!

When these women started with me, no one knew their name! They were extremely hesitant to show up, get visible, & didn’t know how to market their skills or even talk about what they could help their clients with. They were so overwhelmed with what to focus on & where to start! As I guided them through my blueprint, the way they thought & felt about themselves, their expertise, & the value they deliver completely changed. 

And now, I would love to help you too! If you’re ready to FINALLY stop giving your expertise away for pennies (or for free because unfortunately many don’t understand that you do NOT need to have a bunch of free clients first), join us today!  

Still not sure if this Kit is for you (hell.. Will it even work for you), then let me tell you who this Kit is exactly for: 

  • YOU if you’re good at what you do & know your gifts, expertise, knowledge & experience can provide REAL transformation, impact, & results for others that you have a burning desire to turn into marketable & profitable coaching, consulting, speaking, or training services, programs, products, & events!

  • YOU if you already know what you’re good at & what you want to help your clients with & even see yourself being called upon as an expert & thought-leader in your industry, you just need more support to get started & powerfully communicate, package, price, & position it to sell for $500 to $3000 or more!

  • YOU if you don't just want to create a product to make some money here & there, but want the step by step blueprint of a sustainable money making expert business for CONSISTENT results you can continue to expand your brand, clientele, & wallet with! You do not want to just look like you’re in business or have an expensive hobby!

  • YOU if you’re an ambitious & resilient go getter who believes your success is a non-negotiable & you value investing in yourself & into a quality program to make it happen!

What would happen over the next 30-90 days if you could ...

  • Create your signature program & powerfully position it better than you imagined attracting new leads & actually signing your first handful of 4 figure clients!

  • Confidently communicate what you do even if you feel “too new” & get visible & stand out, even from people who’ve been in business longer!

  • Get love notes back from clients about how much you’ve helped them & changed their lives, please all the referrals they are sending your way!

  • Being able to look in the mirror & feel so overjoyed & proud of yourself for saying yes to yourself & the impact you are creating, bigger than you ever dreamed!

  • Get support from a multiple 6 figure coach when you have a question, don’t know if you’re on the right track, need a little mindset/confidence boost, or just want someone who gets it to celebrate your first or fifth $500, $1500, $2000, $3000, $5000 client!

How would that change your current situation? How much would this program be worth to you if it could …

  • Empower you to finally package your expertise in a profitable program, charge your worth for it, & actually sell; would it be worth it?

  • Help you get to know your dream clients on a deeper level so you could see exactly how you need to position your offers for clients who are ready to invest & don't want to take advantage of you or pay pennies for the value you provide; would it be worth it?

  • Help you develop your step by step system of transformation that's infused in your programs & your messaging & content that your programs start to sell themselves & your clients become raving clients who refer their peeps your way; would it be worth it?

  • Help you close your FIRST BATCH OF SALES? What would ONE more sell a month or even a week be worth to you?

  • Show you how to create a program that is $500, $1500, $3000+ AND actually sell it! Do you know at least ONE person right how you KNOW needs to be a client of yours? If we sold your first program, wouldn't that cover your investment into this program that's going to help you do that over and over again? How much would this be worth to you then?

So, what are you waiting for? Aren't you ready to shine in your expertise & finally stop giving it away for pennies?




Let me tell you- your success is going to require you to be a taker - someone who doesn’t need permission from anyone outside of themselves, sits on the side and waits until some perfect moment that doesn’t exist because now is the only time that matters. You can’t continue getting ready to get ready & putting your ducks in a row because that still hasn’t gotten you where you really want to be in your business and it never will! 

This Starter Kit is a vault of powerful, impactful, money making, what to focus on, exactly what you need to do, and how to do it to build the foundation for your first clients & first sales that will continue to pay for itself all the way to your third, fifth, tenth, twentieth client, & beyond!

 Most people starting out spend hours and hours learning & trying to put all the pieces together they get in freebies, webinars, free Facebook groups, & on YouTube, but still don't get it right, wasting time & leaving lots of money on the table! And although they are hurting their own wallets, the truth is, they are really leaving behind the people out there who NEED them to show up, who need them in their lives right now!

 That’s exactly why YOU can’t wait, keep getting ready to get ready, put more ducks in a row, go talk to anyone else about it - you have to trust that you following your heart IS the right thing to do & do it for those who need you & what you have to share with them right now! I literally have clients who have used these foundations to transfer people they were coaching for free into paid programs, sign their first 1-20th clients, create their first services & programs, sign their first $4000-7000 clients, and even go full time in their business in three months. 

So what are you waiting for. I know you're ready to take action and join us! And because you're in love with everything you get in this program and more & you are ready for me to support you, I've made this EPIC experience of trainings personally designed & organized as THE blueprint for your expert business specifically made just for you! 

Based on all the trainings included, the value women are receiving, & the results they are getting literally within weeks of joining, you can see why this investment is an insane no brainer opportunity because you get the entire experience when you join us today for only $497!

NOW is your time and I want you to have the most ULTIMATE training you will ever need. Sign up Now!