Effective Date: May 24, 2018 for GDPR regulations and security.

1. Introduction

Thanks for visiting Kierra Jones International, Inc.Kierra Jones International, Inc. is the data controller and we are responsible for your personal data (referred to as “Kierra Jones International”, “we”, “us” or “our”) and our subdomains including www.kierrajones.comwww.theexpertubcubator.com, and www.signmyfirstclient.com (referred to as "site") respect your privacy.

This privacy policy provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data through your use of our siteWhen it comes to your personal information, we believe in transparency, not surprises. That’s why we’ve set out here what personal information we collect, what we do with it and your choices and rights.

By using any of our services, you confirm you have agreed to the Terms of Service and read and understood this Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy, whether you have or have not read them. We may revise and update this Privacy Policy at any time. Your continued usage of our site will mean you accept those changes.

By providing us with your data, you warrant to us that you are over 13 years of age.  

1. Other Key Terms

In our Privacy Policy, when we refer to “Users”, we mean our customers who use our Services, including visitors to our sites. We explain who we are in the “Who is Kierra Jones International?” section below. The users, visitors and customers of, our Users’ sites are “End Users”. Any other capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meanings in our Terms of Service.

2. How Does This Privacy Policy Apply?

This Privacy Policy describes what we do with personal information that we collect and use for our own purposes (i.e., where we are a controller), such as your account information and information about how you use and interact with our Services, including information you submit to our customer support as well as certain information relating to your End Users.

We use cookies and similar technologies. Our Cookie Policy describes what we do in that regard.  

We also host and process User Content for our Users. Our Users tell us what to do with User Content, and we follow their instructions. This Privacy Policy does not describe what we do with User Content on our Users’ instructions (i.e., as their processor). If you are an End User of one of our User’s sites and want to know how a User handles your information, you should check its privacy policy. If you want to know about what we do for our own purposes, read on.

If you are a User, see our Data Processing Addendum to learn more about how we process User Content on your instructions or with your permission.

3. Personal Information We Collect

We collect various personal information regarding you or your device. This includes the following:

Please note that the information above (“Personal Data”) that you are giving to us is voluntarily, and by you providing this information to us you are giving consent for us to use, collect and process this Personal Data. You are welcome to opt-out or request for us to delete your Personal Data at any point by contacting us at [email protected].

If you choose not to provide us with certain Personal Data, you may not be able to participate in certain aspects of our Website or content.

4. How we collect personal information

We obtain personal information from various sources. We do this in three main ways:

We’ve described this in more detail below.

a. Personal information you provide

When you use our Services, we collect information from you in a number of ways.  For instance, we ask you to provide your name and email address to register and manage your Account or opting into our newsletter. We also maintain your marketing preferences and the emails and other communications that you send us or otherwise contribute, such as customer support inquiries or posts to our customer message boards, forums, or our blog. You might also provide us with information in other ways, including by responding to surveys, submitting a form or participating in contests or similar promotions.

Sometimes we require you to provide us with information for contractual or legal reasons. For example, we may ask you to select your jurisdiction when you sign up for Paid Services to determine if, and how much, tax we need to collect from you. We’ll normally let you know when information is required, and the consequences of failing to provide it. If you do not provide personal information when requested, you may not be able to use our Services if that information is necessary to provide you with the service or if we are legally required to collect it.

b. Personal information obtained from your use of our Services

When you use our Services, we collect information about your activity on and interaction with the Services, such as your IP address(es), your device and browser type, the web page you visited before coming to our sites, what pages on our sites you visit and for how long and identifiers associated with your devices. If you’ve given us permission through your device settings, we may collect your location information in our mobile apps.

If you are an End User of our Users’ sites, we also get information about your interactions with their sites, though we use this in anonymous, aggregated or pseudonymized form which does not focus on you individually. We use this data to evaluate, provide, protect or improve our Services (including by developing new products and services).

Some of this information is collected automatically using cookies and similar technologies when you use our Services and our Users’ sites. We let our Users control what cookies and similar technologies are used through their sites (except those we need to use to provide the Services properly, such as for performance or security related reasons). You can read more about our use of cookies in our Cookie Policy. Some of this information is similarly collected automatically through your browser or from your device.

c. Personal information obtained from other sources

If you use a Third Party Service (such as Google) to register for an Account, the Third Party Service may provide us with your Third Party Service account information on your behalf, such as your name and email address (we don’t store passwords you use to access Third Party Services). Your privacy settings on the Third Party Service normally control what they share with us. Make sure you are comfortable with what they share by reviewing their privacy policies and, if necessary, modifying your privacy settings directly on the Third Party Service.

If you sign up for Paid Services, we obtain limited information about your payment card from our payment processor, such as the last four digits, the country of issuance and the expiration date. Currently, our payment processor is Stripe. Stripe uses and processes your complete payment information in accordance with Stripe’s privacy policy.

5. How we use your personal information

We use the personal information we obtain about you to:

We process your personal information for the above purposes when:

6. How we share your personal information

We share personal information in the following ways:

7. Your rights and choices

Where applicable law requires (and subject to any relevant exceptions under law), you may have the right to access, update, change or delete personal information.

You can access, update, change or delete personal information (or that of your End Users) either directly in your Account or by contacting us at [email protected] to request the required changes. You can exercise your other rights (including deleting your Account) by contacting us at the same email address.

You can also elect not to receive marketing communications by changing your preferences in your Account or by following the unsubscribe instruction in such communications.

Please note that, for technical reasons, there is likely to be a delay in deleting your personal Information from our systems when you ask us to delete it. We also will retain personal Information in order to comply with the law, protect our and others’ rights, resolve disputes or enforce our legal terms or policies, to the extent permitted under applicable law.

You may have the right to restrict or object to the processing of your personal information or to exercise a right to data portability under applicable law. 

Our Cookie Policy explains how you can manage cookies and similar technologies.

If you are an End User of one of our User’s sites, you should contact them to exercise your rights with respect to any information they hold about you.

8. How we protect your personal information

While no service is completely secure, we have a security team dedicated to keeping personal information safe. We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards that are intended to appropriately protect against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse and any other unlawful form of processing of, the personal information in our possession. We employ security measures such as using firewalls to protect against intruders, building redundancies throughout our network (so that if one server goes down, another can cover for it) and testing for and protecting against network vulnerabilities.

9. How we retain your personal information

We retain personal information regarding you or your use of the Services for as long as your Account is active or for as long as needed to provide you or our Users with the Services. We also retain personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, for example, to comply with our legal obligations, to protect us in the event of disputes and to enforce our agreements and to protect our and others’ interests.  

The precise periods for which we keep your personal information vary depending on the nature of the information and why we need it. Factors we consider in determining these periods include the minimum required retention period prescribed by law or recommended as best practice, the period during which a claim can be made with respect to an agreement or other matter, whether the personal information has been aggregated or pseudonymized, and other relevant criteria. For example, the period we keep your email address is connected to how long your Account is active, while the period for which we keep a support message is based on how long has passed since the last submission in the thread.

As Users may have a seasonal site or come back to us after an Account becomes inactive, we don’t immediately delete your personal information when your trial expires or you cancel all Paid Services. Instead, we keep your personal information for a reasonable period of time, so it will be there for you if you come back.

You may delete your Account by contacting us at [email protected] and we will delete the personal information it holds about you (unless we need to retain it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy).

Please note that in the course of providing the Services, we collect and maintain aggregated, anonymized or de-personalized information which we may retain indefinitely.

10. Submission, Storage, Sharing and Transferring of Personal Data

Personal information that you submit through the Services may be transferred internationally to countries other than where you live, such as, for example, for users in the European Union, please be aware that we transfer Personal Data outside of the European Union to our servers in the U.S. We also store personal information locally on the devices you use to access the Services. By using our Website and providing us with your Personal Data, you consent to these transfers in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Your personal information may be transferred to countries that do not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. 

Personal Data that you provide to us is stored internally or through a data management system. Your Personal Data will only be accessed by those who help to obtain, manage or store that information, or who have a legitimate need to know such Personal Data (i.e., our hosting provider, newsletter provider, payment processors or team members).

11. Passwords

To use certain features of the Website or its content, you may need a username and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password, and you are responsible for all activities, whether by you or by others, that occur under your username or password and within your account. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your username, password or account information. If you share your username or password with others, they may be able to obtain access to your Personal Data at your own risk.

You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized or improper use of your username or password or any other breach of security. To help protect against unauthorized or improper use, make sure that you log out at the end of each session requiring your username and password.

We will use our best efforts to keep your username and password(s) private and will not otherwise share your password(s) without your consent, except as necessary when the law requires it or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary, particularly when disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to others or interfering with our rights or property.

12. Notification of Changes

We may use your Personal Data, such as your contact information, to inform you of changes to the Website or its content, or, if requested, to send you additional information about us. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter our Website, its content and this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon posting our updated Privacy Policy.  Please review this Privacy Policy periodically. Continued use of any of information obtained through or on the Website or its content following the posting of changes and/or modifications constituted acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. Should there be a material change to our Privacy Policy, we will contact you via email or by a prominent note on our Website.

13. Anti-Spam Policy

We have a no spam policy and provide you with the ability to opt-out of our communications by selecting the unsubscribe link at the footer of all e-mails. We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that we are compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 by never sending out misleading information. We will not sell, rent or share your email address.

14. Third Party Websites

We may link to other websites on our Website. We have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of any other individual, company or entity whose website or materials may be linked to our Website or its content, and thus we cannot be held liable for the privacy of the information on their website or that you voluntarily share with their website. Please review their privacy policies for guidelines as to how they respectively store, use and protect the privacy of your Personal Data.

15. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We do not collect any information from anyone under 18 years of age in compliance with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the EU). Our Website and its content is directed to individuals who are at least 18 years old or older.

16. Confidentiality

We aim to keep the Personal Data that you share with us confidential. Please note that we may disclose such information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that: (1) such action is necessary to protect and defend our rights or property or those of our users or licensees, (2) to act as immediately necessary in order to protect the personal safety or rights of our users or the public, or (3) to investigate or respond to any real or perceived violation of this Privacy Policy or of our Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, or any other terms of use or agreement with us.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: [email protected].